Month: January 2016

New Rules On Medical Marijuana Research

The U.S Drug Enforcement Administration has relaxed its regulations on medical marijuana research. The new regulations allow researches to skip a step in the approval process if they want to modify their studies by obtaining more CBD- or cannabinol – an active chemical in marijuana. This change essentially means less paperwork is needed and the process is sped up to obtain more CBD for research purposes. The Pennsylvania Medical Society believes this change will open many doors for future research opportunities. They would prefer the ability to conduct more research and clinical studies before the state makes any moves to...

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Coalinga Introduces Medical Marijuana Plan

The city of Coalinga, California is taking the next step and allowing a medical marijuana dispensary, along with other services, in its cities limits. On January 1st 2016, California’s Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act was put into effect, allowing marijuana to be produced and sold strictly for medicinal purposes. This small city is the first in Fresno County to provide these services, including a medical marijuana dispensary, commercial cultivation and delivery services. After seeing many of the positive effects that other cities are reaping from allowing marijuana to be grown and sold in some form, Coalinga wanted to bring...

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Next President Must Consider Next Steps for Marijuana

Known or not, the next president of the United States will have a huge impact on the future of marijuana. Currently, the Obama Administration has declined to interfere with legalization at the state level, but with a new administration, this could soon change. Current presidential candidates have views all across the map in regards to what action they would take with marijuana. Some would never dream of legalizing the drug, while others are planning to do so almost immediately once in office. A middle ground that many candidates seem to be taking involves sitting similar to where we are...

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To Smoke or To Vape…That is the Question

Marijuana use is starting to become the norm, whether it be recreational or medicinal. Multiple states across the nation have either passed laws or are planning to pass a number of laws in the coming year that legalize marijuana in some form. Some of these laws, however, want nothing to do with the actual flower. What does this mean? Some laws prohibit the actual smoking of the flower, but allow other forms such as edibles, THC pills and vaporizers. All forms of vaporizers have become extremely popular in the last few years, and with marijuana legalization taking off, vaporizers...

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College Football Teams Decrease Penalties for Marijuana Use

A new investigation has recently found that some of the nations biggest name Universities have been easing penalties for athletes for positive drug tests. Since there isn’t a completely standard penalty among schools for marijuana use, big name football schools are beginning to do just a little less than their rivals to keep their talent on the field. Just a few years ago, penalties for big teams for marijuana use included dismissal, indefinite suspension or half season suspension. Now, those penalties have turned into either twenty percent suspension, counseling or no mandatory suspensions at all. Professionals are worried that this...

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